Saturday, 18 July 2020

The babysitter girl is bringing the children to visiting her aunt and uncle living in a cottage nearby.

Babysitterpigen tager børnene med på et besøg hos sin tante og onkel, som bor i en hytte lige i nærheden.

Aunt and uncle participated once in a dangerous expedition including a time traveling tour to the jurassic periode. When they returned 3 dinosaures had followed them. The small one called Dino was now living like a dog in their home. The two big dinosaurs were living in the forest behind the cottage.

Tante og onkel deltog engang i en farlig ekspediton, der bestod af en tidsrejse til Jurassic perioden. Da de vendte hjem havde 3 dinosaur fulgt med dem. Den lille af dem, som hed Dino, boede nu hos dem som deres hund. De to store dinosaur boede i skoven bagved hytten.